"Water Kefir is a probiotic beverage that consists of
good bacteria for our digestive system."
"Water Kefir mengandung banyak bakteri baik yang sangat membantu sistem pencernaan kita."
Why Kefir Milk?It has numerous benefits, including better digestion of fats and carbohydrates. It has been known for thousands of years for it's anti-aging and immune enhancing properties. It's an ancient cultured drink, rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P) and vitamin B.
Kenapa Susu Kefir
Made carefully in our lab, it's ready to serve you.
Susu Kefir segar yang mengandung bakteri 'probiotic'. Jauh lebih banyak daripada yang terdapat di yogurt. Bakteri natural ini memberikan banyak faedah jika dikonsumsi degan teratur. Megandung vitamin, mineral dan protein.
Buktikan sendiri khasiatnya.
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Line: pepita_snack
Call: 081293565688
you can go contact: @_k_lab_ in Instagram
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